Screw-Neck Vials

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Screw-Neck Vials

screw neck vials

Neutral Type I glass diagnostic screw neck vials manufactured by FOUR STAR glass tubing

Additional options for screw neck vials are:
Available in clear and amber glass
Large range offered from stock
Neck sizes: 14mm, 18mm and 22mm
Alternative dimensions possible for viable production runs
Different screw threads
Screw cap and capalu screw cap

Our glass screw neck vials are used in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic and food industries. Suitable applications are serums, tasting kits, sample storage, auto sampler devices and chromatography. We also offer the fitting aluminium or polypropylene screw caps. These caps contain a pharmaceutical rubber inlay and are suitable for autoclaving.
For more information do not hesitate to contact us, we are looking forward to help you!

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